Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Starting out

I never thought I would want to blog, but then I read my sister-in-law's blog. Her blog is about the crazy, but wonderful time she has raising her three kids. I don't have any kids, but I love reading the blog because it lets me in to her life more than I would be able to be otherwise. I know her better - what makes her stop and think, what makes her mad, what makes her such a good mom - all because I occasionally read her blog.

I've got things to share too. I have a hard time putting a lot of my thoughts and feelings and insights "out there." Maybe it's because I've always been a little shy. Sometimes I don't have the right words to say in the moment. But the ministry that I'm part of with InterVarsity in the Boston Fenway deserves to be known. Too many things are happening - both amazing and to be honest, sometimes not-so-amazing. If I need to learn how to be a part of this world of blogging in order for these things to be known, so be it. Here it goes...
