Thursday, September 11, 2008

Planting Seeds

Today I met with two students at UMass-Boston to pray for that campus in hopes of one day starting an InterVarsity chapter there. We reflected a bit on Jesus' comparison to a mustard seed. For a visual, I had us each hold literal mustard seed in our fingers. In holding one of these seeds, one can't help but think, "wow, this thing is SMALL!" It's tiny, barely even visible. Yet Jesus uses a mustard seed to describe the origins of something that eventually grows large and is a blessing to many.

I have to say, three people sitting around a picnic table praying in the midst of a giant campus feels pretty tiny, and barely visible. But could it be that in this small gathering lies the seed of something large that is a blessing to many? I guess we'll see.....

- Paul

Friday, September 5, 2008


Sometimes it amazes me how much I love my job. Sometimes I think. "Really? REALLY? I get to do this for a living!?! It's hard to describe the moments I feel this especially - whether it's right after an energizing prayer or planning time with students or during a meeting with one of the staff I supervise. Usually a time like this involves me sensing God working through me to bless, challenge, or empower students or staff.

I've especially felt this the last few weeks as I notice God working through me in my weakest of areas. It's hard to admit is as a ministry worker, but prayer has never been a strength of mine. But lately I've experienced God speaking to me and leading and guiding me while in prayer with students and staff. And when my connection to God leads me to bless, challenge, and empower others, that's when I especially love my job. :)

- Liz