Thursday, August 21, 2008

From the Recent Reading List....

I'm always trying to get my hands on enriching books to help in my development as a person, leader, and minister. Here are five reads from this past year that have knocked my socks off and that I'd recommend:

Heroic Leadership: Best Practices From a 450-Year Old Company that Changed the World by Chris Lowney. Loaded with inspirational stories, the basic gist is that leadership is less about tactics and techniques as it is about who you are as a leader.

Not the Religious Type: Confessions of a Turncoat Atheist by Dave Schmelzer (my pastor!). To what degree does one need to adopt "Christian Culture" in order to follow Jesus? Hmmmm.....

Strategic Intuition: The Creative Spark in Human Achievement by William Duggan. It's often been hard to explain "what we've done" when things have gone well in our work. This book comes pretty close.

UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks of Christianity and Why it Matters by David Kinnaman. The truth hurts, but the truth also sets us free...

Surrender to Love by David Benner. All this guy's books are DEEP and this one's no exception.

- Paul

Thursday, August 14, 2008

More than co-workers

This week I have been coping with the sadness and shock of my grandmother suddenly passing away last Thursday. Of course, the death of a loved one never comes at a good time, but in this case, I truly felt that this could not have come at a worse time for me.

The gatherings and ceremonies designed to help my family say goodbye to Grandma coincided with InterVarsity New England’s Regional Staff Conference, normally a highlight of each year. This meant lots of shuffling back and forth between Springfield, MA, and Rindge, NH. I feared that being torn between the two worlds would ruin both of them—that my grief over my grandmother would make staff conference miserable and that the bustle of trying to participate in the conference would short-circuit my grieving process.

As it turns out, though death never comes at a good time, in this case it came at the best time possible for me. Being with my staff colleagues proved immensely helpful during this week. They’re all well-versed in helping people “process” hard things and were full of hugs, listening ears, and encouraging words. And in how many other workplaces would people pray for me and my family in the middle of a meeting?

And while Grandma’s funeral caused me to miss some of the content of the conference, it vividly impressed upon me the truth of the good news we proclaim: that Jesus conquered the grave, and death has no hold on those who (like Grandma) put their faith in him.

I thank God for taking what initially looked like a lose-lose situation and making it a win-win. In the end He provided abundantly for me in a tough time by surrounding me with my fellow staff. And He infused me with a deepened appreciation for this wonderful community of friends and for the message that we lay our lives down to proclaim.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Been a while...

Well, I guess we took a break from blogging over the summer. ;) Our work is in full-swing as we and our staff prepare for the new year. Students in Boston will begin moving back to school in the next few weeks!

Paul and I had a great vacation - 2 full weeks! - at the end of July. We went to the White Mountains in NH for a couple days at the beginning of our time off, but then we stayed at home and did the fun things in Boston we never get a chance to do. (That's us at the Museum of Science and at a Red Sox game on our anniversary).

While on vacation, I realized how much better I need to be at getting good rest this year. I started out well in that department last year, but by second semester I got off schedule and was working too much. I'm hopeful that this year can be different and that regular rest will make all the difference. It's easy for me to think I can do it all instead of seeking God to give me the insight and wisdom I need for this ministry. I can't expect that from him unless I stop long enough to rest and listed for his voice.

- Liz