Friday, October 10, 2008

Faith and Politics

This month I'll be giving a talk at a couple of our fellowships called "The Way of Jesus in an Election Year." I've never really spoken much about politics in a ministry setting, but given how much the election is on students' minds these days, it seems important to address.

My main hesitancy in combining politics and ministry has always been a distaste for ministers telling the congregations who to vote for, and using people's choices as a measuring stick for one's faithfulness as a follower of Christ. So I'm going to do my best to not tip my hand during my talk as to who I will vote for.

Instead, I'll be calling people to relate to one another in a Christ-like manner, even if they disagree on political issues. Senator John Danforth writes in Faith and Politics, "If Christianity is supposed to be a ministry of reconciliation and has become, instead, a divisive force in American political life, something is terribly wrong, and we should correct it."

I enjoy the fact that our InterVarsity chapters are comprised of both conservative and liberal students, drawn together by a common pursuit of Jesus. I pray that their diversity proves to be not divisive, but rather an arena for grace and reconciliation, qualities which would be a real breath of fresh air in our society during an election year (and any other time!)


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