Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Earlier today, I met with a potential donor to share the vision of our ministry and invite him to consider supporting InterVarsity financially. Truth be told, when I first came on staff, I hated this element of the job. I wished we didn't have to raise support ourselves and just go about doing the work on campus.

Well, having appointments over the years like the one I had today have changed my mind completely. Stepping out of the day-to-day to talk about the big-picture vision of what we hope to see God do on campus raises my own level of passion for this vision. Having someone get excited about what we're doing provides a deep sense of encouragement and the sense that we're not in this alone. And having someone step out in faith by putting their finances behind this ministry inspires me to go about the work on campus with a renewed dedication and sense of purpose.

I never would have imagined saying this seven years ago, but: Thank God I Fundraise!

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