Thursday, March 6, 2008

Two weeks ago...

The two fellowships at BU put on a great outreach event two weeks ago. The topic was “Where is God when it hurts?” and 80 students came out on a Wednesday night which was a great turn out. The event itself was excellent and well put together. The atmosphere was inviting, there was great energy in the room, and our speaker was really engaging. One of our hopes for the event was that some students would respond to the call by the speaker to become followers of Jesus for the first time. However, that didn’t happen as no one raised their hand to indicate this when the speaker prayed and no one wrote this on the response cards we handed out either. I was very disappointed. However, after praying and reflecting and processing the event with students and other staff the past two weeks, we have come to realize that there were other great things that happened this night. We put on a great event and many of the fellowship students left feeling like they wished they had brought their friends. Comments on the response cards included:
  • “It was interesting to hear different perspectives and it answered questions about why I doubt where God is”
  • “It was good to hear someone actually try to talk about this question when most Christians try to avoid it!”
  • “I wish I’d brought my friends.”
  • “I wish my friend had heard this.
  • “Why don’t these events happen more often? It’s perfect to bring friends to.”

Reaching the campus for Jesus is a big job and it’s like we’re fighting a war to do it. We won a battle in the larger war two weeks ago when the fellowship students realized how much their friends needed to hear the story of Jesus and how they could be a part of that. Thanks to those who prayed.



Karen said...


Keep blogging! Your thoughts are insightful and help me to know more about the things you struggle with and hope for so I can pray better for you and Paul. Hope Paul is doing well in New Orleans this week.....

lotta love,

Kara said...

Hey Liz,

Thanks so much for taking the time to write. It's exciting to read about all the ways that God is using you and Paul and all that He's doing in the Boston area!